May 28 to June 3, 2023, is National AccessAbility Week!
National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) is an annual initiative that celebrates, promotes, and showcases the diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in our country, and highlights some of the important initiatives aimed at creating an accessible Canada. Since 2019, Easter Seals Ontario has recognized the Wednesday of National AccessAbility week as the Red Shirt Day of Action for AccessAbility and Inclusion. Everyone is encouraged to wear a red shirt to raise awareness for accessibility and disability inclusion and make a pledge to help remove physical, attitudinal, and systematic barriers in their schools, workplaces, and communities.
Red Shirt Day is an Easter Seals initiative and was first celebrated in 2019. The 2023 Red Shirt Day takes place on Wednesday, May 31. Sudbury Catholic District School Board (SCDSB) students and staff are encouraged to wear red on Red Shirt Day to promote messages of support for people and families living with disabilities.
About Red Shirt Day
Red Shirt Day of Action for AccessAbility and Inclusion is a day when people across Canada come together and wear red in schools, workplaces and spaces everywhere in order to create a visible display of solidarity: to show their support for persons and families of those who are living with disabilities, celebrate the achievements of people living with disabilities, and to pledge their commitment to help create a fully accessible and inclusive society that honours and values the contributions of people of all abilities in all aspects of life in Canada. Learn more!
We thank our Board of Trustees, Senior Administration, staff, students, families, volunteers, community partners, and our parishes for their continued support and commitment to Sudbury Catholic. Together we are providing a caring, progressive, high quality Catholic school system that is nurturing our students – mind, body, and spirit.
To raise awareness of the importance of open dialogue surrounding mental health, Sudbury Catholic District School Board invites students, staff, and community members to wear blue and white on Wednesday, January 25th, 2023. By wearing blue and white (symbolic colours for the Bell Let’s Talk Day campaign), our hope is for our Board community to unite and visually and emotionally show our support for mental health initiatives.
Share With Us!
The Sudbury Catholic School community is encouraged to share their actions with our Board by tagging us on social media and sending pictures, captions, and highlights to
About Bell Let’s Talk Day
Bell Let’s Talk Day is an important event celebrated annually worldwide and is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and breaking the silence around mental illness.
Sudbury Catholic recognizes the importance of mental health and well-being for our students. Mental health is a critical component of overall health and well-being, and it plays a vital role in the success of our students both in and out of the classroom.
We also acknowledge the importance of reducing the stigma around mental illness and encouraging open and honest conversations about mental health. The more we talk about mental health, the more we can help those struggling and support them in getting the help they need.
That is why we encourage all of our students, staff, and families to participate in Bell Let’s Talk Day activities. Whether it’s through social media, in-school events, or one-on-one conversations, every action counts in the fight against mental health stigma.
This year’s Bell Let’s Talk Day campaign highlights ways we can all create meaningful change and take action by doing one or more of the following:
Choose a mental health organization to learn about or support
Help a friend struggling with their mental health by learning how to support them
Ask about how your school, workplace or community is creating change for mental health
Nurture your own well-being by practicing and learning mental health strategies
Get involved in a mental health initiative or organize an event to support mental health
Engage in conversations about mental health to fight stigma
On January 25th, let’s continue to work together to create a safe and supportive environment for all our students. Let’s break the silence around mental health and support each other in promoting mental wellness.
To learn about the activities and events planned for Bell Let’s Talk Day, and view a variety of resources, check out our Bell Let’s Talk Day 2023 resource page.
Family Literacy Day is an important event that is celebrated annually in Canada on January 27th. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of literacy and the role that families play in supporting the literacy development of their children.
Sudbury Catholic District School Board recognizes the crucial role that literacy plays in the success of our students. Literacy is not only the ability to read and write, but also the ability to understand and use information in a variety of contexts. It is essential for academic success and for personal growth and development.
We also acknowledge the important role that families play in promoting literacy at home. Research has shown that children who have parents and guardians who read to them, talk to them, and encourage them to read independently, have a stronger foundation in literacy which can help them succeed at school.
That is why we encourage all of our families to participate in Family Literacy Day activities. Reading together as a family, visiting the library, and participating in literacy-related events can all be fun and engaging ways to promote literacy and support the literacy development of our students.
On this Family Literacy Day, let’s celebrate the power of literacy and the importance of families working together to support the literacy development of their children. Let’s work together to create a literate and informed community, where every child has the opportunity to succeed.
Family Literacy Day 2023 Theme: Celebrate your Heritage
Canada is a diverse country full of different cultures. On Friday, January 27th, 2023, ABC Life Literacy has encouraged us all to take time to explore and learn more about our heritage with our families. To help celebrate this day, we encourage students, educators, and families to check out the following resources and activities from ABC Life Literacy Canada.
At Sudbury Catholic Schools we are committed to identifying and removing barriers so all students can achieve excellence in faith-filled, loving, safe and inclusive schools.
Ontario school boards are required to conduct a census to identify and address systemic barriers and discrimination. Under the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 and Ontario’s Education Equity Action Plan, school boards must collect data using a student census and report on the results. In support of the provincial requirement, as well as our commitment to providing, safe, equitable and inclusive environment SCDSB will be collecting voluntary, demographic and identity-based data through a voluntary student census survey, called Student Voice Matters.
We will be asking questions as identified in the Ontario Human Rights Code. These include: Indigenous identity, race, ethnic origin, religion, first language, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, status in Canada and socioeconomic status.
Student Voice Matters is being launched this year for Kindergarten to grade 12. For students in K-8 surveys will be sent to parents/guardians to be completed with their child. Students in grade 9-12 will complete the survey on their own.
If at any point parents or students feel uncomfortable with the question content, they will have the option of skipping and moving on.
What Will the Results Be Used For?
The results of the survey will be used to:
continue to identify and eliminate systemic barriers to student success
create more equitable and inclusive school environments
improve student achievement and well being
better understand the needs of our students
Completing the Survey
You would have already received an e-mail with more information regarding the census, as well as a link to the survey. Please contact your school if you have any issues accessing the survey.
Thank you for your participation and for your ongoing support of Catholic Education.
Sudbury Catholic wants to help families prepare for the next step of learning in a supportive program about transitioning to school!
Sudbury Catholic District School Board is excited to announce our upcoming virtual event “Transition to School,” designed to provide the support students need to take the next step in their learning journey!
From August 29-31st, students and families are invited to attend live, online presentations from various Sudbury Catholic teachers to help them prepare for a new chapter this fall. Each session will run twice throughout Aug 29-31. See below for session dates/times and click here to attend!
Additional Event Information
Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior teachers will cover essential topics during this event. By attending, you will learn what to expect as a new student, know what to do if you want to speak with a resource or guidance teacher, learn who the key people you should connect with and so much more! Sessions will also deliver simple strategies to help ease anxiety and teach essential organization skills to help support student success.
“Getting ready to take the next step in any learning journey can be scary. Whether it’s the first day of kindergarten or the first day of grade 12, the transition to a new grade level should be smooth and worry-free. Because every child’s journey is unique, each presentation will focus on how to help students in that grade level prepare for Sept, so they can reach their full potential at school.” – Jennifer Connelly, St. Francis Principal
No sign up required!
Students and parents can join teachers live on Aug 29-31, to help them prepare for school in September. To join the event, click the button below!
The Sudbury Regional Science Fair, which took place virtually during March 21st – April 3rd, 2022, is a meaningful learning experience where Sudbury’s four School Boards, can provide opportunities to students from Grades 7-12 to show case their knowledge in different areas of science. Sudbury Catholic District School Board was grateful to participate once again in the Regional Science Fair and allow our students to enjoy hands-on learning experiences by extending their discovery in biology, chemistry, technology, and other areas.
This year approximately 15 projects represented the Board in the Regional Science Fair. The number of project topics was diverse again this year, with exciting subjects ranging from “Theoretical Gravity Control”, “Hacking an Air-Gapped Computer”, Creating a “Self-Hitting Hammer,” and more. We want to thank our judges and educators for guiding our students and continually finding new opportunities for hands-on learning and growth.
MMA Student, Kate Bouchard – 2022 Best In Fair Winner!
Following the Fair, Sudbury Catholic Schools, students, and families were invited to attend a virtual celebration organized by the Sudbury Regional Science Fair on April 10th, 2022. This virtual celebration highlighted the winners of divisional awards, special awards and celebrated students’ achievements. At this celebration, we are pleased to announce that Sudbury Catholic students collected ten awards, including Best of Fair which was presented to Kate Bouchard, a student from Marymount Academy for her project, “Go With The Flow“. We are also thrilled to announce that in addition to Kate’s amazing project , 4 other projects submitted by SCDSB Students have also been selected to advance to the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) taking place on May 16th, 2022, in Moncton, New Brunswick.
The students and projects that will advance to the Canada Wide Science Fair include the following:
“Each year, our students present unique and creative science fair projects. This year was certainly no exception,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “We are very excited to see the number of participants continue to grow, and we are proud of our students who represented us incredibly well again. We thank our judges and our educators for guiding students and continually finding new opportunities for hands-on learning and growth. We wish the students who are moving on to the 2022 Canada-Wide Science Fair the best of luck!”
“Science Fair was so much fun, and I think it’s because I was passionate about my topic.” Says Best in Fair Winner and CWSF participant, Kate Bouchard. “I chose something that I was interested in and genuinely wanted to learn more about. It helped me be more engaged, and because I was interested in what I was learning, I felt like I could explain it better and put forth more effort in making it better. I am really looking forward to be a part of the CWSF in May!”
Some of MMA’s Regional Science Fair students stop and smile with their regional science fair medals! (Middle left Best in Fair Winner – Kate Bouchard)
Dylan Nelson, a Grade 8 student from St. Benedict, will also be attending the Canada Wide Science Fair with his unique project where he created a Self-Hitting Hammer. This idea was inspired by his passion for building things and from wanting to help his grandmother.
“I was trying to think of something inventive to do. I wanted to create something new, and I realized that I like building things, so I wanted to make a new type of hammer that would allow someone who cannot hammer a nail with a normal hammer still perform that task. My experience was fun because I spent time with grandpa, who helped me construct it, and I was able to make my project about making something that would help my grandma.”
Pictured is St. Benedict Student and Regional Science Fair Honouree Dylan accepting his award from the SCDSB Director of Education, Joanne Bénard and Principal of St. Benedict, Laura Kuzenko.
Overall, we are pleased to celebrate the contributions and participation of all our schools and students in this meaningful learning opportunity. We would like to end our post by congratulating all students, educators, and schools on their participation and effort in making the 2022 Science Fair a success! The ten project winners included projects from Marymount Academy, projects from St. Benedict and one project from St. Charles College.
Please visit the following link below to view all the wonderful projects brought forward by Sudbury Catholic Students this year.
The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Catena Hayden as a Student Trustee for the 2022-2024 term. Catena is a Grade 10 student at Marymount Academy and joins her fellow Student Trustee Jack Gouchie. Together, they will bring forward student voice at the Board table.
Catena is an active community member at Marymount Academy. Since 2018, Catena has been a member of the Student Administrative Council (SAC) and enjoys collaborating with her peers and teachers to organize spirit days and fundraisers to enhance the educational experience for all. She is passionate about helping others and wants to make a difference in her community by inspiring students to get involved in intiatives that deepen their learning and demonstrate service to others. This past year, Catena joined the Sudbury Catholic Student Senate to connect with fellow secondary students in SCDSB’s four secondary schools to help promote campaigns such as Toonies for Tuition, Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving, and the Can Tab Drive. Catena is eager to represent the voice of students at the board table.
In addition to being a devoted student and committed to academic excellence, she is also proud to be in the French Immersion Program and appreciates diverse cultures. Upon her secondary graduation, she aspires to become an aerospace engineer and will start completing the Architecture and Engineering Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) offered through Marymount Academy in the Fall 2022.
While away from school, Catena practices her faith as an active member of her Catholic Community at Our Lady of Hope Parish. In addition, Catena volunteers her time to help causes, like the fundraiser for Ukraine at Immaculate Conception.
“I am honoured that I was selected to serve as Student Trustee for the next two years. I am excited to use this opportunity to grow as a leader, share my ideas, and help represent students from all Sudbury Catholic schools at the Board table.” – Catena Hayden, Student Trustee.
“Sudbury Catholic District School Board welcomes Catena Haden as our second Student Trustee,” said Michael Bellmore, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “Catena is an exceptional student and has demonstrated an impressive commitment to her school and community. We have great faith she will make all voices heard and look forward to her many contributions throughout her term at the Board table.“
In our second Social Justice Club session, Taylor (Cambrian College Social Justice Student) led the students through an activity whereby students brainstormed various social justice issues.
Art and culture have always played an important role in every successful movement for social change. Art can educate and inspire one’s imagination beyond the realm of what politics can do.
Students then watched Artist Activist, Favianna Rodriguez, share tips on how to create a social justice poster.
Her suggestions:
Keep it Simple. People will look at your artwork for less than 5 seconds so using 6 words or less is most effective.
Use symbols from our culture and nature that people will recognize.