St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

Attend Our Virtual Event and Learn How to Support (K-6) Numeracy at Home!

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board Parent Involvement Committee is excited to announce the next session for our Virtual Engagement Series for Parents & Educators. Please see the attached poster to learn more about our upcoming sessions. 

Upcoming Session: Focus On Numeracy (Kindergarten to Grade 6)

Join us next week on Wednesday, April 13th, from 6-7 pm on Zoom for our next session, “Focus on Numeracy!” During this session, Dr. David Costello will explain how you can support numeracy at home and help your children recognize and understand the role of mathematics in the world around them.

Dr. Costello is a professional learning facilitator who focuses on mathematics instruction and learning. Working in various roles centred on numeracy education, he has the expertise, charisma, and advice you can count on to support numeracy learning in your household! Attend his session and discover new tips, tricks, and strategies to help students dynamically learn and build their critical thinking skills. Sign up and see how problem-solving can be as easy as 1, 2, and 3! Registration is required to attend this event. Register now to reserve your spot and receive the zoom link! 

Learn About Cyber Safety At SCDSB’s Parent & Educator Virtual Series!

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board Parent Involvement Committee is excited to announce the return of our Virtual Engagement Series for Parents & Educators. Please see the attached poster to learn more about our upcoming sessions. 

Next Session: Cyber Safety

Join us Wednesday, March 23rd at 6-7 pm on Zoom for our first session, “Cyber Safety,” led by one of the industry’s foremost experts, Danny Pehar. 

As the architect for the Cybercrime Equation, Danny works closely with the Toronto Police Cyber task force and the FBI cyber task force to help control cybersecurity. His extensive cybersecurity knowledge, combined with his extensive background as a best-selling author, comedian, and motivational speaker will garner an experience you do not want to miss. Registration is required to attend this event. Sign up now and get ready to laugh, learn, and make a difference for yourself and others. By attending this session, you will learn how to safely protect yourself, your colleagues and your family from digital threats.

Event Poster

Join Us! SCDSB Hosts Virtual Career Fair for Teacher Candidates

Sudbury Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce we’re hosting an online virtual career fair on Feb. 17th, 2022 to help interested teacher candidates learn more about Sudbury Catholic Schools and gain insight into areas such as:

  • The Application Process
  • Resumes
  • Interview Preparation
  • How to Apply on

Join Sudbury Catholic Schools at our February Virtual Career Fair for Teacher Candidates!

Event Details

Date: Feb. 17th, 2022

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Location: Zoom

More Info

Virtual Career Fair – Info Sheet

Join Us For Our Webinar – Coping With Stress!

STRESS! We all experience it. 

That’s why Sudbury Catholic Schools is pleased to invite you to register for our upcoming wellness webinar in January. At this webinar, two outstanding guest presenters will tackle this topic and provide coping strategies for dealing with stress. 


More Information: 

Alina Rukkila MSW, RSW and Jessie Jones CYW will lead us through an engaging session on dealing with the different types of stress and provide helpful strategies and tips we can incorporate to help us manage it when it happens. 

We all know that not all types of stress are bad. Good types of stress can help you focus, ensure you meet your daily challenges, and encourage you to reach specific goals you have for yourself. However, it’s essential to understand the difference between good and harmful types of stress. Over time, a continued strain on the body put on from stress can get the best of you. It’s paramount to identify the causes of daily stress and manage the intensity of these feelings. By knowing healthy coping strategies, we can enjoy life and learn happily.  

Computer Science Education Week at SCDSB

In honour of Computer Science Education Week (Dec 6-12), each day, we will put a special spotlight on 1 amazing staff member whose expertise within the fascinating world of IT and computer science deserve to be celebrated!

Learn more about Computer Science Education Week by checking out the #csedweek website.


Everyone meet David Hempel!

He is one of the wonderful Computer Infrastructure Technicians we have here at SCDSB and believes that “IT can take you anywhere!”

Thanks David for all that you do and more!





Remembrance Day 2021

This year for Remembrance Day, the Sudbury Catholic District School Board (SCDSB) paid respects to the extraordinary men and women whose services and sacrifices will never be forgotten through preparing a virtual Remembrance Day ceremony on Nov. 11th. The service, which used various forms of prayer, readings, music, and video, acknowledged the day’s importance and was a powerful social connection that included various schools participating in its production.

Following today’s events, the SCDSB has provided a clip of our opening video that was viewed at our virtual ceremony.

The following presentation highlights historic clippings and images of war veterans as well as beautiful artwork and visual displays that our school’s students and staff brought forward this year.

In addition to the video, please see the gallery of photos below. The gallery demonstrates wonderful examples of various activities and lessons school’s had participated in leading up to and on this important day of reflection.

Special thanks is given to the staff and students whose provided contributions enabled us to put together an amazing virtual service for our entire board. Thank you everyone!

Remembrance Day 2021 Video

Remembrance Day 2021 Gallery

St. James

Marymount Academy

Holy Trinity

Holy Cross

St. Benedict’s

Bishop Carter Alexander

St. Albert Adult Learning Centre

St. Charles College

St. John

St. Joseph

Immaculate Conception

St. Paul

St. Paul Gives Thanks!

St. Paul the Apostle School Community gathered to give thanks to God for all His wonderful gifts on Friday October 7th. The staff students and special guests met in the gym to sing, pray and listen together. Everyone was encouraged to enjoy family, friends and food together this weekend and to remember to give God thanks by attending Mass at their home parishes. All sang: “Alleluia Praise the Lord.” Pictured is Mrs. Rossella Bagnato the school’s superintendent, Mrs. Henry the principal and several students.

St. Paul Catholic Elementary School Donates to Canadian Development and Peace

Students and staff of St. Paul Catholic Elementary School were thrilled to present a $1000 cheque made out to Canadian Development and Peace on Thursday, March 4, 2010. The students presented the cheque to Sudbury Catholic Trustee Paula Peroni who was on hand at the school to accept the money on behalf of the organization. The money was raised to help out people in Haiti still reeling from the devastating earthquake.

St. Paul Catholic Elementary School Takes a Different “Step” to Support Haitian Relief

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s Haitian relief support is continually ongoing. To that effect, on top of the $1000 that the school raised in one day, St. Paul Catholic Elementary School decided to donate gently used shoes to the people of Haiti in partnership with the Soft Moc Shoe store in the New Sudbury Mall.

Students were asked to bring in shoes that were still in good shape to send overseas so that the children of Haiti could protect their feet as the walking has become treacherous because of all the debris on the ground. The students were encouraged to write a short message to put in the shoes to let them know that our students are praying for them.

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