St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

Parents visit St. Paul for Family Literacy Day

Mme Wright’s grade 2/3 French Immersion class invited parents to participate in some Family Literacy Day activities.

There were four different activities set up. The first was a read-aloud of the book entitled “The Book With No Pictures” by B.J. Novak. Everyone soon discovered that a book does not have to have illustrations for it to be a fun and entertaining read. The Book With No Pictures left everyone in giggles – especially when it was read by the adults!

The second station had the students share the books they created using the Book Creator App on the iPads. Students also taught the guests how to legally copy images from the internet to use in their own writing. They wrote their own riddles and knock-knock jokes at the next center. Finally, at the fourth station, they had some fun playing Bananagrams and Scrabble, two “word creating” games.

Afterward, the guests joined the students in their classroom for lunch. What a wonderful way to celebrate Family Literacy Day!

Knights of Columbus Free Throw

The Knights of Columbus (Council 60740) held a Basketball Free Throw Competition for students from St. Paul, St. Raphael and St. John who won their perspective competitions at the school level.
The winners from the competition go to the next level of the Championship being held at Marymount College in February.

Many thanks to the Knights for hosting the competition at St. Raphael School.

Christmas Arts Spectacular tonight at St. Charles College

This morning, students at the feeder schools were wowed by the magical performances of St. Charles’ performing arts students. 

The yearly Christmas concert featured MC Jenna Daypuk belting out “Let it Go” from Disney’s “Frozen” which created a sing along by some 550 grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 students.

Other highlights include the choir and band ensembles as well as Parker Szilva and Ava Danyluk singing “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”.

The Arts concert is open to the public this evening, Thursday, December 11th at 7 p.m. in the St. Charles College gymnasium.

Christmas for Kids Campaign in full swing at St. Charles College

Each year, the students at St. Charles College join forces with the students in their homeroom to help put gifts under the Christmas tree in a home somewhere in Sudbury. 

Deacon Steve Callaghan organizes the campaign with the administrators working in the eight feeder schools – St. Bernadette, St. Andrew, St. John, Pius, St. Paul, St. Mark, St. David and St. Raphael.  Deacon Steve says “The administrators at each of these schools know which family is in dire need of support and what life is like for them.”

After students are selected, the child writes a letter to Santa and each homeroom “adopts” one of the children.  Money is then raised during the month in the mission envelope.  All money is then given to a designated student on December 11th so that the shopping can be done. 

Deacon Steve Callaghan then brings the wrapped gifts to the school principal on December 17th and 18th and the principal contacts the family for pick-up.  He says, “When the principal and the secretary see us hauling in present after present – they are overwhelmed and often cry because of the generosity of our children.”

St. Paul students learn about Down Syndrome

November 1st to November 7th is National Down Syndrome Awareness week in Canada. Lisa Wright, grade 2/3 F.I. teacher at St. Paul school has been advocating for people with Down syndrome since her daughter Holly was born 15 years ago. What better way to bring awareness about Down syndrome than to involve children in sharing the message? The students used the classroom iPads to research important facts about Down syndrome that were then put into a presentation. On Thursday, November 6th, they visited the grades 5 to 8 classes, sharing the information they had learned. The students in the classrooms that were visited were so attentive and asked some very good questions following the presentation. They were left with a much better understanding of people with Down syndrome and now know not to underestimate their abilities.

Mme Wright is extremely proud of each of her students and believes they will continue to share their knowledge and will make a difference in the lives of people with Down syndrome from this day forward. To learn more about Down syndrome, please visit and / or

Cardinal Can Total Crushed Once Again  

St. Charles College and its feeder schools have collected more than 115 thousand cans to stock Sudbury Food Bank shelves during the winter months.  This exceeds the goal to collect 60 thousand cans that the student council set at the beginning of the week. 

Together with St. Raphael, St. Paul, St. Andrew, St. Bernadette, St. John, St. David and Pius, the Cards went door-to-door all over the city in pursuit of cans or cash. 

The schools also teamed up with Q92 and Kiss FM to promote what has become the largest single donation to the Sudbury Food Bank in its history.

SCC Principal Patty Mardero says, “I congratulate every Card and future who went door-to-door these last few weeks so that people in this city can eat.”

Rallying the Can Collecting Troops

Tomorrow, St. Charles College along with its feeder schools will know if they have crushed their can collecting goal.  The school set out to collect 60 thousand cans in support of the Sudbury Food Bank this season as part of its annual collection blitz.

The high school is working in partnership with St. Paul, St. John, St. Bernadette, Pius, St. David, St. Raphael, St. Andrew Catholic Elementary schools.   Student can collect a combination of canned foods and cash. Last year, they surpassed their goal by collecting more than 112 thousand cans.

The food drive began more than 25 years ago and its founder, former student Jim Szilva still takes part in the drive with his former high school.  The school also teams up with Q92 and KISS 105.3 to Stuff a Bus full of food. The radio stations also broadcasted live from the school parking lot on the bus all week.

Tomorrow morning, the collection totals will be revealed and the food will then be transported to the Sudbury Food Bank warehouse.

Elementary Food Drive Wraps Up, Just as the St. Charles College Drive Begins

Students who attend St. Paul, St. John, St. David, St. Raphael, St. Andrew, Pius and St. Bernadette Catholic elementary schools have wrapped up their food drive collection efforts. Now the focus is on the students at St. Charles College.
Students from the seven schools spent last week going door-to-door to collect cans and other non-perishable food items to help the Sudbury Food Bank stock its shelves over the cold winter months.

Now the St. Charles College students begin their drive starting with their kick-off next Monday. Every year the high school teams up with Q92 and KISS 105.3 to Stuff a Bus full of food. The radio stations also broadcast live from the school parking lot during the week. The food is then transported to the Sudbury Food Bank warehouse.

Student can collect a combination of canned foods and cash. Last year, they surpassed their goal by collecting more than 112 thousand cans.

The food drive began more than 25 years ago and its founder, former student Jim Szilva still takes part in the drive with his former high school.

Totals will be tabulated, with a wrap-up set for October 23rd.

They’re coming to a door near you!

Students who attend St. Paul, St. John, St. David, St. Raphael, St. Andrew, Pius and St. Bernadette Catholic elementary schools are out in full force this week. Their mission is to collect cans for its food drive in collaboration with St. Charles College.

Students from the seven schools are going door-to-door to collect cans and other non-perishable food items to help the Sudbury Food Bank stock its shelves over the cold winter months.

Every year, the feeder schools team up with St. Charles College, Q92 and KISS 105.3 to Stuff a Bus full of food. The radio stations also broadcast live from the school parking lot during the week. The food is then transported to the Sudbury Food Bank warehouse.

Student can collect a combination of canned foods and cash. Last year, they surpassed their goal by collecting more than 112 thousand cans.

The food drive began more than 25 years ago and its founder, former student Jim Szilva still takes part in the drive with his former high school.

Totals will be tabulated, with a wrap-up set for October 23rd.

St. Paul Panthers Hit the Streets for SudburyRocks!

On Sunday, May 11 the St. Paul Running Club participated in the SudburyROCKS 5km Race, Run or Walk for Diabetes. A total of twenty students from Grades 5-8 participated in the 5K race while two students in the primary grades completed the 1K race. Running coaches Mme. Lavalle, Mme. Gautheir and Mlle. Vendramin are so very proud of the dedication and spirit of all the runners. The Running Club would like to thank the Knights of Columbus Council 6074 for their generous donation again this year to help offset registration fees for the students. Way to go Panthers!

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