St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

St. Paul students join City-wide Read Aloud for a day of reading and learning!

On Tuesday May 2nd, students in Mme Lisa Wright’s Grade 2 class at St. Paul School participated in a City-Wide TD Read Aloud. The class joined Reading Town Sudbury and the Greater Sudbury Public Library for the event. Each student received a free copy of Small Saul by Canadian author, Ashley Spires.

They thoroughly enjoyed the read aloud and look forward to delving deeper into the life lessons the book shares. Here are the students, showing their favourite part of the story. They are so excited to own these new books and to house them in their classroom book boxes for a little while before bringing them home to share with family.

To all parents of first time school bus riders

The Sudbury Student Services Consortium in cooperation with school bus operators invites all Kindergarten and first time bus riders to a School Bus Safety Awareness session to be held at College Boreal on 21 Lasalle Boulevard in Sudbury.

Sessions will be held on August 25 and 26, 2017. For further information and to register and secure a spot, visit

The sky is the limit for canned food collecting at St. Charles College

Since the mid eighties, St. Charles College student council has been organizing a fall food drive in support of the Sudbury Food Bank. Every year it just gets better and better.

The students were given the task of collecting sixty thousand cans this year. Teacher leaders Paola Gutscher and Bev Belanger were happy to report that the students smashed their goal with raising more than 126 thousand cans. Year after year, it has become the largest single donation to the Sudbury Food Bank warehouse.

The leadership students cannot do this alone. It is supported by all the 7-12 students at St. Charles College along with feeder schools — Holy Trinity, St. Paul, St. John, St. David and Pius.

The wrap-up event today highlighted the accomplishments of the students but also the staff had to hold up its end of the bargain complete with staff pie in the face showdowns, shaved heads, dyed heads and waxed legs.

Principal Patty Mardero says it is also important to recognize the citizens of Sudbury who graciously donated to the drive when the students knocked upon their doors. The food collected over the course of the last week was delivered to the Sudbury Food Bank warehouse today. Mardero says “This visit to the warehouse to unload is critical in helping students see the fruits of their labour as they lift each box of canned food and fill the shelves of the warehouse”.

Feeding the hungry

As part of the Catholic Education Week celebrations at St. Paul School, Mme Lawrence’s grade 5-6 French Immersion class assisted those who are less fortunate by making over 160 handmade sandwiches for the Elgin Street Mission. By helping those in need, the students showed a great example of stewardship and servant leadership. Mme Lawrence is very proud of her students who collectively completed their classroom mission to make their community a better place. The Elgin Street Mission served their handmade sandwiches that evening.

Cancer Society Relay for Life

Celebrating or Remembering? Sympathy or Empathy? Fighting back?
What motivates us to get involved in events such as the Cancer Society Relay for Life? Come out and see for yourself! You’ll be in for quite a few surprises such as the great reveal of our total pledge amount, brave survivors sharing their experiences, special reflection time during the luminaries ceremonies, testamonials, the excitement of teacher’s receiving a pie in the face, etc. Join us for this unforgettable event. You’re sure to leave with special memories!

Friday, May 6th 2016

St. Paul school in Coniston
For more information, contact Denise Valiquette at 705-694-4482

St. Anne school in Hanmer
For more information, contact Liliana Novosel at 705-969-2101

Immaculate Conception school in Val Caron
For more information, contact Irene Raymond or Rosanna Leduc at 705-897-4483

To all parents and first time bus riders

The Sudbury Student Services Consortium in cooperation with school bus operators invites all Kindergarten and first time bus riders to a School Bus Safety Awareness session to be held in August at College Boreal at 21 Lasalle Boulevard in Sudbury.

For more information and to register visit

Hitting the Trails at St. Paul

St. Paul Catholic Elementary School teacher Lisa Wright’s Grade 2/3 FI students had a wonderful morning with Sudbury Catholic outdoor education teacher Brad Blackwell on Thursday, February 18th. Students learned that creatures in this area have 3 choices to make during winter. 1) hibernate 2) migrate 3) stay and tough it out . Mr. Blackwell delivered an interesting and amusing presentation. He brought some “nature treasures” such as antlers and bones and some replicas of tracks and scat. After the in-class presentation, they ventured outside on the Jean Tellier trail near the school. For almost all the students , this was their first time on snowshoes. They explored the trails looking for signs of animal life. They found snowshoe hare, squirrel and mice tracks. Students even found scat!

Dancing and Moving at St. Paul

The St Paul dance club has come to an end for another season. The students worked very hard all year by learning new moves and dances culminating with them presenting their own dance creations on stage. Teacher Emily Power was very lucky to have 3 amazing grade 8 helpers that volunteered their time all year! Way to go St Paul dancers.

Family Literacy Day in Mme Wright’s Grade 2/3 Class at St. Paul School

St. Paul Catholic Elementary School Grade 2/3 students along with their parents or grandparents took part in Family Literacy Day activities inside the classroom recently. The parent turnout at the event was incredible! The students and parents rotated through three centres. The first station involved a read aloud of the amusing book entitled “The Book With No Pictures” and creating their own fancy bookmark. The second station had the students searching through non-fiction books for a fabulous fact about something of interest to them and then using the Pages app on the iPad to write about what they learned and to include an image. The third was a poetry centre where they worked together to create beautiful Cinquain poems. Parents and students had a great time reading and writing together.

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