St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

Attendance Awareness Poster winners announced!

Sudbury Catholic Schools and the Attendance Counsellors held the annual poster contest in October. In order to engage students from FDK to Grade 12, the poster contest promoted the importance of regular school attendance. It was a huge success with nearly 500 students participating!

Congratulations to this year’s winners!

1st Place: Tyson Kirk – St. Charles College
1st Place: Meah Sauve – St. Paul School
2nd Place: Ariel Groves – Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S
2nd Place: Ciara Hamelin – Pius XII School
3rd Place: Anna Nguyen – St. Charles College C.S.S
3rd place: Peyton Desjardins – St. Charles Chelmsford 

First place posters will be reproduced and hung to promote attendance awareness! 

Class helps build community garden!

Students in Mme Wright’s Grade 3 FI class are some of several students helping the Coniston Community Garden this season. They are looking forward to taking good care of the plants and watching them grow into yummy vegetables. Once the plants are strong enough, they will be brought outdoors to be planted in the Coniston Community Garden.

Their Story Begins Here – Kindergarten Registration info night taking place January 24!

Register with our schools during our Board wide information night occurring Wednesday, January 24 at 6 p.m!

These Information sessions are available for parents wanting to register their child(ren) for school beginning September 2018 (For children turning 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2018). If you are unable to attend these sessions at your school, we encourage you to contact the school to register on an alternative date. Both regular (English) and French Immersion programming is available.

Find out more about our Kindergarten program

Sudbury Catholic Schools Contribute Over 175,000 Cans in Annual Food Drive Fundraiser!

The students of St. Charles College raised an amazing 175,533 cans and $25,000 for this years food drive for the Sudbury Food Bank! Throughout the past week, the students visited various homes and businesses in our community to canvass for the annual fundraiser. Feeder schools of St. David, St. John, St. Paul, Pius XII and Holy Trinity also helped contribute to this great cause!

Congratulations on another successful fundraiser, Cards!

St. Charles College Kicks off Annual Food Drive Campaign!

If the students at St. Charles College and its feeder schools had their way – no one would go hungry in our community this year!

St. Charles College is kicking off their annual food drive at feeder schools St. David, St. John, St. Paul, Pius XII and Holy Trinity. For over three decades, they have been collecting cans to feed local families. Every year, they have surpassed their goal by collecting thousands of cans from the community.

The SCC contribution is always the largest single donation to the Sudbury Food Bank each year and the food bank has grown to rely on the major haul of cans and cash. We are asking for the community’s assistance in helping us, once again, surpass our goal.

Our students will be going out into the community in order to collect non-perishable food items. Please start collecting and feel free to drop off at St. Charles College. The kids will also be helping to bag groceries at Metro on Thursday, October 19th, Chris’ Independent on Friday, October 20th and Vrab’s Independent on Saturday, October 21st and are hoping to gather donations from the public at that time.

We look forward to once again this year, continuing to feed the needy and make a difference in our community.

St. Paul students raise over $400 for Mexico Earthquake Relief!

Students at St. Paul School are learning about how they, as members of a Catholic community, are called to help those who are vulnerable. On September 19th, a powerful earthquake hit Mexico leaving hundreds of casualties and destroyed cities and towns. Students in Mme Wright’s grade 3 FI and Mrs. Blinn’s grade 3 / 4 Reg classes held a very successful bake sale on Thursday, October 5th. They ended up raising $420 for the Canadian Red Cross : Mexico Earthquake Appeal to help with the relief efforts. Well done children!

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