St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

They’re coming to a door near you!

Students who attend St. Paul, St. John, St. David, St. Raphael, St. Andrew, Pius and St. Bernadette Catholic elementary schools are out in full force this week. Their mission is to collect cans for its food drive in collaboration with St. Charles College.

Students from the seven schools are going door-to-door to collect cans and other non-perishable food items to help the Sudbury Food Bank stock its shelves over the cold winter months.

Every year, the feeder schools team up with St. Charles College, Q92 and KISS 105.3 to Stuff a Bus full of food. The radio stations also broadcast live from the school parking lot during the week. The food is then transported to the Sudbury Food Bank warehouse.

Student can collect a combination of canned foods and cash. Last year, they surpassed their goal by collecting more than 112 thousand cans.

The food drive began more than 25 years ago and its founder, former student Jim Szilva still takes part in the drive with his former high school.

Totals will be tabulated, with a wrap-up set for October 23rd.

Stacking Cans from the Ground Up at St. Charles College

St. Charles College students and soon-to-be Cards are on a mission from October 7 to October 11 to collect 60 thousand cans of non-perishable food to feed the hungry in our city.  The more than 950 students at the school, along with students at several of its feeder schools are helping tackle the huge feat. 

With a professional development day scheduled for Friday, October 11, it’s an even more daunting and onerous task to average 15 000 cans per day for the next four school days with a wrap-up aimed for Thursday, October 10th.

Last year, the students shattered their goal for 60 thousand cans by delivering a whopping 121 thousand cans to the Sudbury Food Bank – making it the largest single donation in the history of the Sudbury Food Bank.

The founder of the food drive at SCC, Jim Szilva told the students that the food drive starts at the ground and works its way up with feeder schools like St. Raphael, St. David, St. Bernadette, St. Andrew, St. Paul, St. John and Pius XII working with students in grades nine through to twelve in the high school to accomplish the mission.  Szilva started the drive when he attended St. Charles College more than twenty-five years ago. 

The school and Szilva are teamed up with local radio station Q92 and KISS 105.3 to “Stuff the Bus”.

Q92 host Melanie Dahl asked the students to remember the times their belly ached because they felt hungry.  “Most of you can ask your parents for food or head to the fridge.  But consider for a moment you could not do that.”

General public is invited to assist with the stuffing of the bus by visiting the city transit bus each morning between 7 and 9 a.m. at St. Charles College with monetary or canned food donations.  There are some added incentives this year – including the option to fill out a ballot to win a ticket to the Sudbury Kinsmen home. 

The bus will also be on location at Vrabs Independent Monday afternoon, Dumas Independent Tuesday afternoon and at the Metro on Lasalle Wednesday afternoon.

FULL DAY Kindergarten Information/Registration Night -TODAY – Tuesday, February 5, 2013

There will be an information/registration night TODAY – Tuesday, February 5, 2013 for all parents interested in registering their child(ren) at one of the Sudbury Catholic elementary schools for FULL DAY Kindergarten beginning September, 2013.
The information/registration night will start at 6:00 p.m. For more information about this event, please contact your local Catholic elementary school. For contact information about each school, go to, or contact the board office at (705)673-5620.

Cardinals Share Their ‘Goodness’ with the Sudbury Food Bank

The line ‘Teach me goodness’ is an integral part of the St. Charles College motto. This week, the students at the school learned about goodness and shared the fruits of their labour.

The secondary school students, coupled with children in the feeder schools canvassed together for the largest school food drive in the city. The goal was to raise 60 000 cans for the Sudbury Food Bank and the Cardinals surpassed that goal with a new all-time total of 125 080 cans. This is the single biggest contribution in history to the Sudbury Food Bank.

The secondary school has hosted a food drive for twenty-seven years. It is supported by students at St. Bernadette, St. Raphael, Pius XII, St. Andrew, St. David and St Paul and St. John.

SCDSB Family Mourns the Loss of Pope John Paul II

Students, parents and staff of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board mourned the death of His Holiness, John Paul II by holding special prayers services in Catholic Schools throughout the region of Greater Sudbury. At this time of great loss, our schools are also celebrating the incredible life of this extraordinary man. Pope John Paul’s commitment to social justice, the vulnerable, international unity and youth, is a source of inspiration to many people especially the youth in our Catholic school communities. As a former teacher, Pope John Paul was an advocate for Catholic education. During his visit to Ontario in 1984, the Holy Father spoke of Ontario’s Catholic schools as a blessing not only for Catholics, but also for the nation, as the country was “enriched by the intellectual and moral formation Catholic schools provide for their students.”

Having learned of the death of Pope John Paul II, His Excellency, Jean-Louis Plouffe, Bishop of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie shares the following statement. “The world and the Catholic Church are different today thanks to the presence among us of this spiritual giant. We have so much for which to be thankful, having benefitted from the life and wisdom of this exceptional leader.”

The Holy Father’s dedication to youth is reflected in the wonderful tradition and celebration of faith that he initiated called World Youth Day. As Canadians we were honoured to host the most recent World Youth Day in 2002. The memories of that event continue to invigorate the thousands of youth from our school communities and around the world who were encouraged to go out and be “the light of the world and salt of the earth.”

A book of condolences is placed in each of the schools for students, staff
and parents to sign to mark the passing of His Holiness John Paul II.
St. Paul Catholic School students hold candles as a tribute to Pope John
Paul II during a prayer service held at the school.
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