St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

Once Upon a Christmas at St. Paul

The school choir at St. Paul the Apostle School entertained parents, families and classmates with a Christmas musical entitled”Once Upon a Christmas.” The choir is led by Ms. Shewchuk and Ms. Dahlvik and made up of about 30 students from grades one to three. They have sung at school prayer services and for the Coniston Seniors Club. This was their first musical. Featured in the photo is Leah Wissler who sang the role of Stellar the Bright Shining Star.

St. Paul’s Parent Engagement Night a Huge Success

Studies show that parent engagement is important to the learning process.  On the evening of December 9th, about one hundred students and parents filled the school gym for “popcorn and a movie night”.  The evening was geared to parents and kindergarten to grade four students. 
It was also an opportunity for parents to get comfortable with the school surroundings and enjoy an evening of entertainment with their kids — as well as other parents and kids.
The event was so well received that the School Council is already making plans for the next parent engagement night.

St. Paul Gives Thanks!

St. Paul the Apostle School Community gathered to give thanks to God for all His wonderful gifts on Friday October 7th. The staff students and special guests met in the gym to sing, pray and listen together. Everyone was encouraged to enjoy family, friends and food together this weekend and to remember to give God thanks by attending Mass at their home parishes. All sang: “Alleluia Praise the Lord.” Pictured is Mrs. Rossella Bagnato the school’s superintendent, Mrs. Henry the principal and several students.

St. Paul Catholic Elementary School Enjoys Aboriginal Day Celebration

The Student Parliament at St. Paul Catholic Elementary saw their months of hard work result in a powerful and beautiful Aboriginal Day of celebration on March 26, 2010. This group of students applied for a Speak Up Grant which is a grant that is applied for from the Ministry of Education’s Student Voice initiative. These grants are available for student-led projects and are available for students who want to make a difference in their classroom, school and community. As well, the school applied for additional funding from the Board to supplement the costs of their Aboriginal celebration. With the help and support of their teacher, Marlene Lee, these students were successful in their applications and collectively worked to bring together a day for their entire school community that allowed all of the students to share in the learning and understanding of Aboriginal culture. The day involved a traditional smudging ceremony, an amazing aboriginal dancing and drumming demonstration, and a sampling of bannock. As well, the students attended different hands-on information sessions including hunting and harvesting, hand drumming, medicine wheel teachings, making masks, making dreamcatchers, interactive games and storytelling. The highlight of the day was a presentation by world renown aboriginal artist Leland Bell who shared his paintings and stories with the students as well as sang a traditional song for the group. Sharon Oliver, the Principal of the school was so overwhelmed by the day’s events that she choked back tears when addressing the students at the end of the day. “This was such a beautiful and powerful day that I am having a hard time as I am so overcome with emotion.” stated Oliver. “I thank Mrs. Lee and all of the students and staff for making this celebration such an absolutely incredible day – one that each and every student will be able to look back on and remember how dynamic and moving our celebration was!”

St. Paul Catholic Elementary School Donates to Canadian Development and Peace

Students and staff of St. Paul Catholic Elementary School were thrilled to present a $1000 cheque made out to Canadian Development and Peace on Thursday, March 4, 2010. The students presented the cheque to Sudbury Catholic Trustee Paula Peroni who was on hand at the school to accept the money on behalf of the organization. The money was raised to help out people in Haiti still reeling from the devastating earthquake.

St. Paul Catholic Elementary School Takes a Different “Step” to Support Haitian Relief

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s Haitian relief support is continually ongoing. To that effect, on top of the $1000 that the school raised in one day, St. Paul Catholic Elementary School decided to donate gently used shoes to the people of Haiti in partnership with the Soft Moc Shoe store in the New Sudbury Mall.

Students were asked to bring in shoes that were still in good shape to send overseas so that the children of Haiti could protect their feet as the walking has become treacherous because of all the debris on the ground. The students were encouraged to write a short message to put in the shoes to let them know that our students are praying for them.

St. Paul Students Celebrate Earth Day

On April 22, 2009, the students and staff of St. Paul the Apostle School celebrated Earth Day in a big way. Following a native good morning prayer service, the students were treated to guest speakers from Science North who spoke about the regreening of Sudbury and a Professor Crumplin from Laurentian University who discussed the environmental costs of driving a car. A Recycling Fashion show, litterless lunch, neighbourhood garbage pick up and tree planting session finished off the day.

On June 19, the students gathered again to create this earth daisy to represent the fact that if we work together we can make this world a much greener place.

$12,000 for Jump Rope For Heart, from St. Paul Catholic School Students

Students at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School raised more than $12,000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation during their annual Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops for Heart campaign. The kickoff to this year’s campaign included a video from The Heart and Stroke Foundation and a demonstration from the Chelmsford Public School Dragonfire team.

The St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School student body fundraised by taking part in various skipping and basketball events organized by the grade 7 and 8 students. Once again, the students received tremendous support from the families and friends for this fundraising event.

St. Paul would like to thank all the pledge donors in their school communities, which include Coniston, Minnow Lake and Wahnapitae. Over the last four years the St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School community has raised more than $50,000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. This is certainly one physical activity that has many benefits. The students stay active and help a great cause.

St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School Celebrates “Bully Busters Day”

As part of their anti-bullying program, students at St. Paul the Apostle inaugurated the “Bully Busters” team into their school.

Lead by the school’s student parliament and Mrs. Lee, (teacher), the student body prepared rap songs, poster contests and messages about bullying for their February12th, “Bully Busters Day.”

Throughout the day students participated in anti-bullying and bullying awareness activities. Special guests from the community were also invited to take part in the “Bully Busters” presentations.

St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School Celebrates “Bully Busters Day”

St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School is seeking to promote a greater awareness of “bullying” through the school’s “bully busters” team.

Led by the school’s student parliament and Mrs. Lee, (teacher), the student body has been preparing rap songs, poster contests and messages about bullying. On Thursday,February 12, 2009, St. Paul Catholic School will be celebrating a “Bully Busters Day.”

Throughout the day students will be participating in anti-bullying and bullying awareness activities. The school has also invited special guests to join them such as Denise Fraser from the Greater Sudbury Police Force, police and her son, Marc Fraser, who oversees the Echo program for the Childrens’ Aid Society

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