St. Paul Catholic Elementary School teacher Lisa Wright’s Grade 2/3 FI students had a wonderful morning with Sudbury Catholic outdoor education teacher Brad Blackwell on Thursday, February 18th. Students learned that creatures in this area have 3 choices to make during winter. 1) hibernate 2) migrate 3) stay and tough it out . Mr. Blackwell delivered an interesting and amusing presentation. He brought some “nature treasures” such as antlers and bones and some replicas of tracks and scat. After the in-class presentation, they ventured outside on the Jean Tellier trail near the school. For almost all the students , this was their first time on snowshoes. They explored the trails looking for signs of animal life. They found snowshoe hare, squirrel and mice tracks. Students even found scat!
Dancing and Moving at St. Paul
The St Paul dance club has come to an end for another season. The students worked very hard all year by learning new moves and dances culminating with them presenting their own dance creations on stage. Teacher Emily Power was very lucky to have 3 amazing grade 8 helpers that volunteered their time all year! Way to go St Paul dancers.