St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

St. Paul students learn about Down Syndrome

November 1st to November 7th is National Down Syndrome Awareness week in Canada. Lisa Wright, grade 2/3 F.I. teacher at St. Paul school has been advocating for people with Down syndrome since her daughter Holly was born 15 years ago. What better way to bring awareness about Down syndrome than to involve children in sharing the message? The students used the classroom iPads to research important facts about Down syndrome that were then put into a presentation. On Thursday, November 6th, they visited the grades 5 to 8 classes, sharing the information they had learned. The students in the classrooms that were visited were so attentive and asked some very good questions following the presentation. They were left with a much better understanding of people with Down syndrome and now know not to underestimate their abilities.

Mme Wright is extremely proud of each of her students and believes they will continue to share their knowledge and will make a difference in the lives of people with Down syndrome from this day forward. To learn more about Down syndrome, please visit and / or

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