St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

St. Paul Students and Residents of Coniston Welcome New Walking Trail

On Friday, October 12th, students from Mme Gautheir’s 5/6 F.I, Mme Roy’s F.I. and Ms. Beneteau’s gr. 7/8 classes had the opportunity to attend the “grand opening” of the Jean Tellier Trail. The two kilometre trail allows pedestrians to walk in a natural setting without motorized vehicles. The trail runs from Edward Street to Rideau Street. The plan is for this trail to grow in the future. It is a way for the community of Coniston to join the trend of making Greater Sudbury a friendly environment for pedestrians of all ages. This project was endorsed by Coniston Community Action Networt (CAN) . The plan is for the St. Paul students to take advantage of the “backyard trail” during DPA.

Cardinals Share Their ‘Goodness’ with the Sudbury Food Bank

The line ‘Teach me goodness’ is an integral part of the St. Charles College motto. This week, the students at the school learned about goodness and shared the fruits of their labour.

The secondary school students, coupled with children in the feeder schools canvassed together for the largest school food drive in the city. The goal was to raise 60 000 cans for the Sudbury Food Bank and the Cardinals surpassed that goal with a new all-time total of 125 080 cans. This is the single biggest contribution in history to the Sudbury Food Bank.

The secondary school has hosted a food drive for twenty-seven years. It is supported by students at St. Bernadette, St. Raphael, Pius XII, St. Andrew, St. David and St Paul and St. John.

St. Paul Gives Big

Wow! St. Paul Catholic Elementary students demonstrated incredible enthusiasm and generosity during the S.C.C. Annual Food Drive Challenge. The goal this year is to collect 60 000 food items for local food banks in order for Mr. Jim Szilva to be let off of the city bus. Our students collected the equivalent of 10 000 cans! This included cash donations and non-perishable food items. The St. Paul Panthers were certainly eager to help out and support this wonderful cause. We couldn’t be any prouder of our students!

Toonies for Terry at St. Paul

On Thursday, September 27th, St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Elementary students and staff participated in the Toonies for Terry Walk/Run, Students were asked to donate at least one toonie for the Terry Fox Foundation. This is a very special fundraiser that is dear to the hearts of staff and students at St. Paul School. Lisa, a past graduate of St. Paul, who had osteosarcoma, the same cancer as Terry Fox, inspired staff and students with her courage and passion for life. She joined the children on the walk around Coniston. She certainly makes St. Paul proud!

In Search of the Great Pumpkin

Excitement for Halloween has already begun for the JK / SK and Grade 1 French Immersion students at St. Paul Catholic Elementary School. On Wednesday, October 10th, the youngsters boarded a bus en route to Sturgeon Falls. The destination was Leisure Farms. The children were amazed at the amount of pumpkins to be found on site. Activities included a tractor pulled wagon ride into the woods, roasting marshmallows and toasting homemade breads over the fire, picnic lunch, hot chocolate and cookie snack, corn and straw mazes and of course, choosing their own pumpkin to decorate. A fun-filled day was had by all!

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