St. Paul Catholic Elementary School

St. Paul Students Have Green Thumbs

Students, parents, grandparents and staff at St. Paul The Apostle Catholic School celebrated the last of this year’s Earth Day activities recently by planting more than 400 Red Pine seedlings in the school grounds to help re-green the area. The seedlings were donated courtesy of Vermilion Forest Products Management along with two tandem truckloads of black loam from John Van Druenen, (Garson Pipe Contractors Ltd.) to bed the seedlings.

Mr. Toppers Pizza, (owner’s Kelly and Carolyn Toppazzini) kindly provided pizzas to feed all of the volunteers after the planting was complete. Pam Rivet from Dr. Signs provided ice cream treats to all planters and Stella Legault from the Colonial Inn brought juice boxes to quench their thirst after planting.

St. Paul The Apostle Catholic School would like to thank Vermilion Forest Products Management, John Van Druenen of Garson Pipe Contractors Ltd., Mr. Toppers Pizza, Pam Rivet and Stella Legault for their kind donations. Special thanks to the Ministry of Natural Resources staff: Don Mark, District Information Specialist; Amber Hamilton, Ontario Ranger Supervisor and Jesse Levert, Senior Forest Technician for coordinating the event and all students, parents, grandparents and staff for their hard work. Last, but not least, thank-you to Wal-Mart for jump-starting the entire project, and who continue to support the re-greening effort of St. Paul The Apostle Catholic School.

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